Analytics Enablement Organization
The Analytics Enablement operational model aligns to an IT service model approach in which UDA is the service business owner, which directs a technical service team to carry out Analytics Enablement activities and services. The technical service team provides the development and support of the analytics enabling infrastructure, applications, platforms, and data resources. The Analytics Enablement Advisory Team, with representation from data systems managers and business units engaged in the Institutional Analytics component advises and consults on the activities of the service team. The Analytics Enablement service is overseen by the Executive Steering Group, providing leadership and ensuring alignment with Data Governance, Institutional Analytics, and university strategic priorities.
Analytics Enablement Roles and Responsibilities
University Data and Analytics Executive Steering Team
The Analytics Enablement leadership is the top level authoritative body for the Analytics Enablement component. The leadership provides high level oversight and strategic direction, procures resources, approves large scale initiatives, and resolves significant issues that have been escalated by the service business owner. The leadership function is performed by the Executive Steering Group (Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (chair), Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, and Vice Chancellor for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer, supported by UDA leadership).
UDA is the Analytics Enablement service business owner, and as such, is responsible for ensuring the service is delivered. UDA directs the service team in Analytics Enablement operations and consults with the Analytics Enablement Advisory Team on functional requirements for the service, service-related needs and issues, and future direction of the service.
Analytics Enablement Technical Service Team
The Analytics Enablement technical service team is responsible for operation and execution of the analytics enablement service under the direction of the service business owner, UDA. This team consists of technical roles, such as data architect, data engineers, and platform administrators.
Analytics Enablement Advisory Team
The Analytics Enablement Advisory Team is a group formed to advise and consult with both UDA, as service business owner, and the technical service team on the functional requirements for NC State’s enterprise data warehouse and other analytics enabling infrastructure, applications, platforms, and resources. The advisory team is also responsible for highlighting performance concerns, identifying service-related needs, and providing recommendations on the strategic direction of the service. The Advisory team consists of central business unit analytics directors/managers and enterprise data systems directors/managers.